County Council is committed to working with all of our residents, communities, service groups, and businesses to enhance our region and ensure its viability for generations to come. The relationships we forge will be built on trust and the common goal of enriching the lives of all of the residents we serve.
Economic growth is a key to prosperity in our region. Council will continue to support our agricultural economy by implementing policies, procedures and services that enhance our diverse agricultural sector. We are all stewards of the land and as such, County Council will continue to work with our stakeholders to proactively pursue policies that serve as a solid foundation on which to develop environmental sustainability for future generations.
We will continue to support businesses in our region by providing them with the tools needed for success. Our Economic Development department is accessible to all existing and potential businesses requiring assistance in formulating a path to prosperity.
Historically, economic growth is derived from the following: 85% from business retention and expansion, 10% from entrepreneurship and 2-5% from investment attraction. Council will continue to implement policies to support this.
Being an elected official is both challenging and rewarding. Serving the community in which we live is a very humbling experience. As our region’s demographics change, our Council must learn to adapt and not fear change. We will be proactive and visionary in guiding and leading. We are aware that we must lessen the financial burden to all landowners to ensure growth and prosperity in our region.
All elected officials are elected to make the right decisions, not just the popular ones. County Council is committed to making the right decisions that benefit the region as a whole, ensuring that all our communities can reach their full potential, and further establishing Flagstaff County as a land of rural opportunity and fulfillment for future generations.
Don Kroetch, Reeve
Flagstaff County